Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pokemon Heartgold Mac Rom

Argentina 60-year history, photography


1993 - Alfonsin and Menem, the Olivos Pact.
Menem would enter into a neoliberal government.
would destroy the education system in schools incorporating the polytechnic model.
would break with one of the basic principles of Peronism, privatizing all the enterprises.
not put "allegedly" in the first world dollar matching weight.

1994 - The attack on the AMIA

1995 - Explosion at Military Industries in Rio
1996 - The riot in the prison of Sierra Chica.

1997 - Do not forget Cabezas.

1998 - The Chaco flooded.

2000 - The hostage every day. The escalating violence in our country.

2001 - Overruns by the yard, De La Rua, the flight.
The panorama of the country was extremely tragic looting of supermarkets, people facing each other so.
Five presidents in less than 15 days.

2002 - The death of Kosteki and Santillan.

2003 - NĂ©stor Kirchner assumes.

2004 - The Tragedy of Cro-Magnon.

see third
read fifth and final part


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