Saturday, November 20, 2010

Answering Machine Mental Hotline Number

"Bar Literature Literature French Symbolist

This Thursday 18 November, the group "Strip Residence" of the Faculty of Humanities and Sciences of Santa Fe hosted the first "literary bar" in a series that hopefully continue to have the equal or greater success than this.

The theme was "French Symbolist Poetry" and read poems in their original language of Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Mallarme and Verlaine which allowed us to appreciate the charm that is lost when the filter of translation is present. The
idea was to create a field of knowledge which called for the participation of people knowledgeable in the subject and those who had never read these authors, the Bar was not excluding making together in one place to not only students of literature but, on the against students from diverse fields such as chemistry, history, political science, etc. Thus
and with the exclusive participation of experts is able to form an environment where not only about teaching was allowed to read the poems but also attempted in the context and the lives of poets.

Although the weather did not help, people responded satisfactorily to the event, it's the rain that at first seemed to ruin the night, managed to create that romantic atmosphere, we wanted to form together with candlelight and the lovely French music that filled the space.

To culminate the event, were allowed to give "voice" and participation at the viewer, who could read his writings or the poems or stories that are most enjoyed.
unexpected was the "counterpoint" that ensued between two teachers with no mute letters outlining his thoughts with great ease and passion he had written, each seeking to be the last to close the event.


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