After a year and a half of mourning, of quiet and waiting, I finally feel able to bring home a new parrot.
Already for a long time coming with a desire to bring one, but everyone told me you always have to wait for the season which gives between the months of November to February, when the parrots begin to procreate. Warned
whole family of my intentions, the first days of November began calls to get me one of these things home.
The idea was not to buy, while encouraging trade scoundrels that poison and mistreat animals for only 10 pesos, I have still very present in my memory what happened to Sofie.
mid-November, I was told of a man who hunted doves scarce resources for food and had found several parrots, pigeons, this was from the city of Nelson, which is more or less 40 kilometers from the city Santa Fe, north, going by the national route number 11.
So we went and my mom works in that city was the one who brought it to me.
arrived on Tuesday 30 November, maybe it was pure coincidence, maybe it's fate, but given the coincidence that a November 30, 2001 also came home "Tito."
pigeon was still could not eat alone .... ugly to be honest, without feathers, but I think I fell in love the moment I saw him.
The first weeks were very hard, because he had a cold and spent the whole time sleeping, thus taking advantage the birthday of my grandmother in San Justo, take him to my vet who trusted in a few hours and some medication will lift your spirits.
On the other hand, this parrot from the first moment was very special because not stopped sleeping with the neck between the feathers like most birds, he slept in bed and not only that, but it was the weirdest feeling that in sleep snoring.
Today, almost, almost in a month, still not talking, but I follow them wherever they go, loves to be in bed in my room (especially if the air conditioning turned on).
is super bad-taught the family if you get all the pleasure, recently we bought a cage that looks like a mansion, but very little time spent on it, is always among us, and always careful not to have them between your feet, or in places that are dangerous.
However, the time to be ill-taught and consented to the house winds down, as in other parrot falls a few days more, my aunt found when he went to work.
I have no name yet, I think it will when I see it, for one, am happy with Nico.
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