Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sources For Cydia For Hacked Pokemon Roms

a great year is completed

What I can say this year to be? nothing but flatter him, I do not want it to end, grab it to hold it tight, but hey, as I said the character of Alice Through the Looking Glass , the white king "you know how hard it is to stop a minute," I do not want never mind the more complicated it has to be stopped a year goes.
this year exceeded all my expectations, plus there's the odd slump, everything else was good.
The first was the triumph of my grandmother to cervical cancer. The at times felt like my world was falling apart, and that was only a step away from losing the person I most love, admire and respect, came the miracle, and an overnight illness disappeared.
life since then started to take on another meaning, this is what counts, and moments that are shared and are really enjoying having value, economic and material passed to fill the background.
So, with great effort after 20 years, 4 children, my grandmother came together around the same table to celebrate his birthday number 64 .
As few times, I saw my grandmother smile and mourn with happiness.

On the other hand, following with the family, is my godson, and this year was a year of great achievement for him, learned to walk and gradually builds up its repertoire of words.

With him I realize that small things, simple life can make us very happy, since that will give you a kiss, a hug, a smile, from the fact teach you to discover life, to take you by the hand and ask you to follow him, that makes you feel that you need, all that and much more is what energizes me to keep walking this world.
Another person with whom I am very happy is with George, who is still with me despite my craziness, my status changes.
that after 3 years and a few months we are still fighting the relationship, considering that it not only made of love, but of tolerance, understanding and respect, values \u200b\u200bthat you listen very often to name, but begin to collect an important value in certain moments of life.

Follow this road sharing fair, is what we decided, because together we feel that we complement each other, that although the years are increasingly emphasizing the difference between two opposites that one day chose to walk hand in hand, you must remember it was this difference that love rekindled.

On the other hand, and changing a little item this year left a very positive balance in academics, will succeed to 6 subjects, obtaining 70% of the approved career, very nearly touching the title that so desperately .
is becoming more difficult to follow, reaching the end, the wear is a factor that often prevents forward with the speed we want, yet this year succeed in securing a scholarship that helped me cover the costs of photocopying and collective, which represents a strong incentive to know that someone trusts me and is willing to help me fulfill my dream.
also debut as a teacher (substitute) language and literature. Something I always wanted, but never imagined I on the other side, teaching, conveying both what I love, talking about what I like and doing what I like.
be lying if I said it's easy in this day and age nothing is easy, let alone work as a teacher, you have to fight a declining educational system, but that's what I like today and I have many energy to continue with this, especially knowing that they (students) need me.
Another positive balance left this year was worth it to understand who and who not. Set aside
people who really wanted but that only made me hurt, one example was my father, who only wanted me when his wife was traveling, leaving relegated to the position of "lover" if you will, see us only in secret and when his wife left him alone.
Although when we were behaving like a noble father, I thought too little to receive the other treatment, if there is something that I have is the ability to appreciate me as a person.
Little by little, and although it took longer to call and write, I forgot, kill him.
Another bad moment was when friends spend a lifetime missed my birthday party, had organized a big party and without telling me anything, just chose not to attend, wait all night, but never arrived, and never apologized for the incident.

and those who thought I lost my friends, win big brothers. This year I decided to play sports, women's volleyball started, and although at times I felt that I joined the group, I finished met wonderful people and cool, with whom we share many beautiful moments, a friendship that is strengthened with each passing month.

I also move house, (note I am still living with my mom-mom-independence is far yet.) The change of environment, a place, was a way to leave all the past behind, more than anything what happened to my pets. Start over
was the slogan, but a good start and a positive way, so to finish this year, we brought Nicholas home, that just one month old today.

I think this time also represents for him a period of achievement, as he started to eat alone, to pick up food with his tiny, little foot, is beginning to mimic words and sounds a little.

Well, I do not go because I would become a bit boring to read much, but before concluding I wish my readers and friends this coming year exceeded all expectations, which come filled with energy projects for achieving them, that they can achieve all those goals that are proposed, and above all to be happy, that happiness does not come from the hand of big things but small, it also has that gustito simple to happiness.


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