Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wax Burlington Ontario

29 Barcelona, \u200b\u200bchronic comiquera Thursday April 14 to 24 hours

UF! Wait ... UF! Tired ... but satisfied. It was a good day, for several reasons, but one thing at:)

With team-Express (Daniel Maine and a server) left here at 7 am from Barcelona (it should be out soon is now go to 110 ¬ ¬) to the Barcelona Comic Fair located, once again, in the pavilion of the fair n.8 Barcelona in Plaza of Spain. Once properly accredited we go a. ..

a-Take a walk
b-The tail of signatures on the planet to Dave Johnson and Brian Azarello
c-Playing with the hammer of Thor
d-Stealing candy stand
And Ficomic
correct answer is ... the b!! We went straight, without regard to catch these two authors. Why? Because it is the first day and then we shake it off. As always (and as advised here) for you to sign on the stand of Metro ... you get some Planet to, alert you on the web and everything.

My m and was thrilled that Azarello sign me two little volumes of For Tomorrow I bought in New York some years ago and Dave Johnson wore Red Superman, if I signed it, but also. If I was drawing better still. And so it was, after little more half hour and get signatures (and photo) of the two authors and this nice picture of Communist Supes I asked.

The fact is that at the end we saw that it was forming its tail to Charlie Adlard, artist of the Living Dead . So once held the position we just give a small tour of the area. Confirmed that there was booth Panini and it showed. Stand Next to the Metro was a pimp mu stand advertising the new movie X-Men with Magneto's helmet and a machine that tells you if you're a mutant or not (being funny). Then there was Glenat, with a closed booth, I personally liked and Norma Editorial Where we find hanging around the stand Kurt Busiek! also saw the exhibition of cats in the comics and a little more because it was time to eat.

After eating, in little more than an hour we had to Adlard sketching for fans. Drawings, I have to say, AWESOME, pure illustration we can give thanks for being lucky and get it elsewhere because it is paid , and very expensive. From here, personally, we thank the editor of Metro, Hernando, without any subterfuge (and when we played with Dani and me) told you alijerase Adlard (only had 5 drawing ls). The author said there was no problem, I was able to do 15 sketches good hour and a half and the other said no, 40 minutes and herding and have them fast, in pencil, if necessary. Ole their balls. did not have enough men to fuck n.13 edition of The Walking Dead that up so did with my drawing of the author. To all that were illustrations (sketches that were not were pictures) awesome as Wonder Woman and Green Lantern Zombi (very cool). I asked a ... Robert Kirkman zombie XD

Remember that at any time broadcast on twitter and facebook all that we were doing, so it was a stressing. But it was worth. We met our compañerosblogueros Goku Jr, Mushu, Jackal and @ Lograi with whom we had interesting talks XDD geeks. Then we went to the cinema where he stands a Camaro, a shield of Captain America and the Mjolnir (asynchronous written?) Of Thor. The car does not know, but the other two you left them at your leisure to make the photos you want We had as kids! For just one example.

From there we went to see comics and merchandising stands and BOUT s all, thank all those I have known and you have stopped to say hello, as Alexander. Greetings from here is a pleasure to meet you and know you read my blog. Thank you! :)

Wait! That does not stop there! Through a contest through facebook Ficomic had gotten tickets to go to a mega Magick Badalona zombie marathon of all episodes of The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman presented to by conference from the U.S.! I have to note that although the organization was a bit uncoordinated to give some information, was a puntazo we put a bus to go all (with zombies and Charlie Adlard board) to the cinema and then bring us back. So, along with our partner Goku Jr. got on the bus and arrived in theaters, where he also gave us some offers to eat in Mcdonalds XD. The video lasted about half an hour and made him a few questions to Kirkman (none relevant) which was nice and somewhat horny. Then, as we have already seen the series, we stayed for dinner for dinner and we turned on our own.

Arf! Arf! Seriously, a palizón, but it has finally paid off after all:)

Now I'm going to pack and prepare tomorrow! Remember that we can facebook follow through on the "Con-Express: Route Comic Fair in Barcelona, \u200b\u200band our accounts twitter: @ @ ultimatedam and pacohernandezs.

PD: the chronicle of our friend Dani find in


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