Monday, January 19, 2009

Soutch Park Creating Wwe

SU TA GAR - Hommo Sapiens (1990)

We are here again (I have a computer these days so I go up disks xDD). For me this Homo Sapiens is the best album of euskaldun, no doubt. Trash Metal bo do really cool riffs and by suposto in Euskera. Moi recommended. SAUDE!

At the end of 1987 Aitor Gorosabel, Xabier Bastida, Asier Arrillaga Borx Osoro and come together to form a group that gives the name of His ta gar. These four friends are an industrial town of Eibar Guipúzcoa.
His first recording consists of May 1989, this recording is a demo they recorded at the site of another group of Eibar. Due to the success of his first recording, recorded in August of that year would be his second demo, but this time choose to do so in a professional studio. In 1990 won (along with other group) contest "Villa de Bilbao", which gives them the opportunity to record an album that should be shared with the other group winner, for this reason decided to scrap the idea and record an album on their own. In November 1990, recorded in the IZ study, with the title "Jaiotze Basati" his first album, which contains twelve songs and published in March 1991.
In April 1992 they recorded their second album and publish it in June under the name "Hortzak estuturik."
recording their third album will be 93 in September, this time let IZ study and move to "Lorentzo records." This work is called "Munstro hilak. "

When preparing to record their fourth (May 95) Borx disc is injured and can not continue in the group, so the battery is responsible for his brother Galder. So in May 1996 he published his fourth album "Sentimenak jarrituz."

His fifth album is recorded with a new battery (Iban Zugarramurdi) between September and October 97, published under the name "Agur Jauna gizon txuriari."
In June 1999, published a special edition of its two models, the title of this cd is "1987-89. It's a very special, not sold in the typical plastic boxes, but comes in a cardboard box on the displayed photos taken at the time of the early group, also includes a video clip which can be viewed on the PC.

published in November 99 which so far is his latest album, Homo_ sapiens?, An album of 12 songs full of energy.

Between autumn and winter of 2000 with the intention of recording a live album, I personally hope to work anxiety.



1. Homo Sapiens
3:01 2. Segi Segi
2:31 3. Hazi Geroaren heziak 04:43
4. Zabalera begira 04:20
5. Beti aurrera 04:44
6. Abere izate ukatua 04:03
7. Zai, hago zai 03:03
8. Bada itxaropena 02:14
9. Ekiozu 03:56
10. Erlijioa eta beste gezur batzu 04:40
11. Arranoa eta quetzala 04:08
12. Zure albotik urrun banago 04:47



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