Thursday, May 19, 2011

Braun Waterpik Singapore

L @ \u200b\u200bs companions of Doctor Who Doctor

Entry with Spoilers of the first five seasons.

While the Doctor is a charismatic as they come, who say that the weight of the series is on him is wrong. It is known in the entire universe, past, present and future the company will always Doctor . And it is nonsense to say that the success of a season also depends on who the / the Escort. That's why I'll do a review of l @ s companions of the Doctor over the last five seasons.

-Rose Tyler- Undoubtedly one of the best. Its virtue is that it is as crazy as the Doctor and failing is that he is in love with him to the core, it is best we all know that is a mutual love, in its way, but returned. Rose grace is that it is a neighborhood girl, without great ambitions who appreciates life and the little details that it offers, so imagine what it comes to flip when you visit other planets and other epochs. The two interpenetrate quite well, hence his departure was one of the saddest moments in the entire history of Doctor Who, adjacent to the death of the tenth doctor. The sentence with which Rose came to us crying and we all went inside , so much so glad when he returned and "any way "had a happy ending with the human Doctor. Personally the second companion is my favorite, for its vitality and its freshness ra. interpretively speaking contributed much to the series, to the point of making very good match both with Ecleston as Tennant.

-Martha Jones- Ofu never seen bad thing on the small screen, as well as a character actress. I am among those who blames the third season not all would have been great (and look what came to be a good season) because of SOSA, boring and that was Aunt PALO . He was a Doctor and some sophisticated, secretly in love and hurt because the Doctor was ignoring her, bah. Was invalid and, in spite of good stories told, never knew absolutely nothing to contribute to the series. E n Torchwood instead he found something of grace to, but when I saw that Doctor Who ends with Micky almost had a heart attack, the two worst actors in the series end up together, what a pity that Dr. prevented the charges from the drop, me as if removed from the middle.

-Wilfred- Yes, do not be surprised, but their way was a companion of the Doctor, a noble and loyal to obey without question and in the saddest moments of the learned Doctor bring you the strength to continue. David Tennant died for him, and no regrets, worth sacrificing for Wilfred and everything it represents. I liked him on board the ship and could see the Earth from space, he deserved it.

-Pond- Fear Amy gave me after what happened to Martha Jones but I think I knew how to create a character height temporda, and moreover, the actress was able to give her special touch. is thanks to her that the fifth season is complemented by the new Doctor and succeeds, at least in my opinion, so you can see how important it can be a companion. Her story presentation, the small Amy, I thought something great and sad at the same time. It is your story and she who bore the brunt of the series at that time, at least in my view, thereby achieving Matt Smith can take his place against the bitch who had made David Tennant, in short, had left a very high standard. Although the crash seemed he had with the Doctor seems to stay in something like brothers, Rory leaving the place it deserves and that you deserve. That story is an incredible love story. I think Amy still has much to contribute and I hope .

-Rory- Amy's boyfriend is one of the most important signings in the series. Family and friends l @ s companions develop a very important role, as well as Rose's mother was very characteristic Amy's boyfriend does not take long to reach us all to heart. Very much in love her, Rory is a hopeless romantic o. Moreover, not only stands up to the Doctor but ensures that your girl is good at all times. What I like about him is he is not interested neither time nor space, only Amy . Great to finally get married and that Amy was aware of who is actually the love of his life.

"Captain Jack Harness- With this character I have mixed feelings and I think Torchwood has become more harm than good, as comprobaréis in the analysis of the series I'm doing next weekend. began as a trickster, a life living and San Juan, but in Torchwood we see it as someone who has changed in 150 years and has become hard, like I have no soul . The Doctor is his hero, but you want to tell you, it seems that is not much philosophy, and so it must be remembered in more than one occasion. But when it appears again in Doctor Who seems a kid, naive and foolish as if it had not broken a plate in his life. In addition Torchwood is a pimp, and then can not solve anything, it's a crap after another. The fault is not the character, we fair, the actor makes you motherfuckers know characterize and give a touch pass to Jack not indifferent to their eyes, but "lost writers" are those who put the pat a. Despite all this, Jack Harnes has earned a place in my heart why? Because you will live more than five billion years, because he is the Face of Bo e. Once you know and nothing will ever be the same. The other thing that is immortal is cool:)

-River Song. not go into speculations but we all know that sooner or later will be the future companion of the Doctor, you know what they thought. Not go into who may or may not be although it seems easy to guess. only know that the actress does a wonderful and every time it called "honey" makes me laugh because it has fully disarmed Dr. . The strength of character is your safety and if something I like about it is ... can drive the Tardis, I thought it was great chapter of the 5T in which the Doctor leaves her drive and complains that the Tardis will not make the noise characteristic of what she said: Honey, are you wore the hand brake XDD. addition, his moment of glory is the end of the 5T when the Dalek that seeks to recognize and asks mercy , then made my hair stand on end. Is a character that appears slightly, just enough and that brings a lot to the series. Now I just see her when she meets the Doctor, and know it was.

-Donna Nobel- And, of course, the best for last. Amy mola, Rose Tyler was good, very good, but Donna Nobel .. Donna Nobel was the best. I remember seeing the special "Bride" and cross our fingers that were the following companion of the Doctor, it was not, it fell to Martha Jones. Even so God listened to us all and throughout the fourth season Novel Donna could enjoy from beginning to end. Donna Unlike the rest of the Doctor's not in love, not even close, he scolds or continuously, is grumpy, hysterical and not being quiet, but has a big heart. is amazing how the character happens to make us laugh, make us mourn with the difference of a single shot. Another point in its favor is that its success depends on the history, even though the fourth season out from fucking incredible view of his script, Novel Donna had also shone but the plot had been a shit. Catherine Tate became, for me, which was the best companion of the Doctor to date, meeting one of the best matches I've ever seen television.

And your favorite companion who was he?

How Much Do Wisconsin White Tail Weigh

Another galaxy ... Same

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

When Do You Read The Prayer Of The Faithful

, death always calls four times

Check with Spoilers
until the fifth season probably came

years late but until recently I l Ventilate as first five seasons of Doctor Who that was, as he would say, BRILLIANT! However, I will focus this post to talk about the 2, 3 and 4 why? Because my friends, is in them that appear MI Doctor. As happened to many of you, the interpretation of David Tennant has dragged me badly.

To begin, I would say that Doctor Who's success lies in three factors:

1-His music: This is one of the best soundtracks of the small screen of all time, and not only that, but even be as big in the movies. Murray Gold is responsible for giving voice to the magic of Doctor Wh or, to put music to their expressions, to put music to their joys and sorrows. If you look properly rarely stops ringing the soundtrack for an episode, you can always hear something, however slightly. The fact is that not only comes with great moments of the chapters but also to any of them. There must be something vital in the episode at that time we hear a great song that you get is raise that "small" moment of glory of any sentence and honorable like the saddest, most cheerful and courageous as you've never heard . Now, if something is not repetitive. Murray Gold composed a theme for each season and developing its various versions for the same. These are issues that also can be used with any type of situation in each chapter, without being heavy and much less boring. Doctor Who not be the same without the music of Murray Gold

2-Your frames. I do not mean his predecessors, much less, I mean the fact that all seasons are tied and securely tied, no one is going on up and nothing happens for no reason. At least in the five seasons I've seen (god, do not know what I'm holding on to see the sixth) is a fixed pattern in each developing from minute 1 of the first episode and that little by little revealing, always reaching a final episode of season is usually brutal. Willingly or not, that's a puntazo for the series because closed plots and in the end everything makes sense. In short, is a guarantee that everything is planned and that nothing happens because.

3-Your death. Finally the most important point, in my opinion, the success of Doctor Who: Nobody, absolutely nobody, is safe, not even the Doctor himself . In this series, anyone can die at any time, no concessions whatsoever. Ok, no passenger has died so far, but sooner or later happen to some, I see it coming. This premise implies that follow every episode with intensity and I really worry about all, if someone shoots, if someone is in danger, if someone peta a bomb, whatever, but you know they can die and not always have to finish up well. And yes, that also goes for the Doctor. Surely some will say that the Doctor does not die, they regenerate. Okay, but I think at the end of the fourth season was quite clear, the last sentence of the tenth Doctor was "not want to die." Imagine you remove your tastes, your way of thinking or your way of writing by hand, but will follow up know perfectly that when you stop being yourself is like if you died , well, that's what the case with Doctor Who.

This leads me to tell you about the death of the tenth master Doctor. What's so special? ALL . From the first moment of the season and let you know that something is not going to end well, the same Doctor as suspicion and fear him, especially when told that his death will be accompanied by four hits . Season ends and the Doctor is still alive after Special arrive (horrible by the way, on the first two) and the final episode "The End of Time", in which the Doctor must stop the plans of the Lord. Knowing he will die the Doctor tries to help his enemy and recognizes "the four touches in the music that the other has heard since childhood and that makes him mad. But ahhh, that brutal time in which the Doctor has saved them all and all and hear "knock, knock, knock, knock" . David Tennant close your eyes and bow your head, there is someone who has not saved, someone who is locked in a room that will radiate from one moment to another, the grandfather of Donna Novel. Here we have one of the best performances I've seen in my life, Tennant does a monologue about saving his friend, about their fate and what will happen. It could have been, could have stopped dying, the Doctor is more important but ... the end of the day is the Doctor, and all life matters. Tennant enters the camera and lets out his grandfather, to radiate it.

After saying goodbye to directly, or indirectly, of his acquaintance, as you can get to the Tardis and plays in the background while the decem Vale of Murray Gold, D avid Tennant utters his last words as a Doctor: "I do not want to die." And now to see who is the handsome he tells me that there was no longer crying like a cupcake . Four times I have seen and that chapter and four times I've had enough to mourn, my god how sad. Cry for everything, but mostly because David Tennant has achieved this level of communication, involvement and empathy with the viewer you can not help feeling like you're doing a very dear. Damn, that guy deserves a fucking Oscar, what the heck, the whole damn school. Too bad, we was the Doctor that I printed out the more her character, with a range of interpretative resources brutal. I can only say, THANK Tennat DAVID, YOU ARE AND ALWAYS WILL BE THE DOCTOR.

's enough for today, but tomorrow ... tomorrow we will discuss the accompanying Doctor:)

PS: LOOK TO ME CAME ON MONDAY! Jijijiji took the whole week doing that asshole with the pileup, and pen and everything XD